Loving University:
Loving University:

Get Your PHD in Love!
Get Your PHD in Love!
Finding Love in 2017! January 7th Kabuki Hotel San Francisico

Check out this blog post by Susan Bradley to find out:
Check out this blog post by Susan Bradley to find out:
Are you Terminally Single (TM)? It's not a disease unless you want to find love and something just keeps getting in the way.
If you are ready to explore the hidden reason why you are still single or have relationship patterns that aren't serving you, then schedule some time with Relationship Coach, Susan Bradley via phone or in Carmel-by-the-Sea.
Get your love life back on track..
What better place than in the comfort of your own home via phone.
Be prepared to be asked some insightful questions to dig beneath the surface.
Susan will help you Fall in Love with YOURSELF, Your Life, & Your Soulmate.

This is for you if are unhappy about any portion of your life and you WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW! You can too.
You may have seen Susan
on one of these shows:
You may have seen Susan
on one of these shows:


Breaking Through Love
& Abundance Barriers Weekend Retreat:
Breaking Through Love
& Abundance Barriers Weekend Retreat:
Sept : Breaking Through Love & Abundance Barriers.
Includes 6 Follow Up Group Conf. Calls.
Testimonials from previous Retreat Participants:
"I feel so much more alive after letting go of things that have happened to me in the past." Nina, Seattle
"My mom and I really bonded even more by taking this together. It was my mom's 4th retreat and my first. My panic attacks have gone away as a result of using the techniques I learned at the retreat." Stephanie, Age 20, Tacoma
"I realized how much I was holding myself back in love and life." Chris age 50, Atlanta
"I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up but definitely got more benefits than I had planned." Trainer Vince, Ohio.
"The Abundance Barrier Breaking exercise really opened me up to excelling at my new job." John, San Jose
Upcoming Webinar & Teleseminar:
Upcoming Webinar & Teleseminar:
Add yourself to our email list and we will send you access:

1. How to Fall in Love with Yourself, Your Life, & Your Soulmate
2. How to Partner & Prosper in the RIGHT Relationship for YOU.
3. Make your Relationship-DRAMA-FREE
4. How to Fall in Love with Your Body.
FlirtRedcoverSpine4. How to & Not Look Like You are in Heat!
5. Are you Terminally Single (tm) ?
We want you to fall in Love in AGAIN!
Fall in Love with yourself, Your Life, & Your Life Partner!
with Drama-Free Love

Billy sent us this hilarious video
asking us to help him with his marriage.
Our show will be helping him find the love he deserves.
Do you want a Drama-Free Relationship? Billy shows you how. (funny)
Billy nearly hurts himself pondering the true meaning of love and what it will take to have myDRAMAFREErelationship.com


Do you want to know if someone is truly your soulmate? Do you know how ready you are to find your soulmate?
Fill in your email and we will send you the test that Jay Leno mentioned three nights in a row on his show.
There are two different types of Soulmates, can you tell?
Which one is best for you?
Do you have more than one Soulmate? Take the Soulmate Test to find out more.

Get your Soulmate Test HERE!

Get all the Shows! Send us your email address & You will be notified of new episodes:

Listen to Show #2 What to do When Men
Start Talking about Sex too soon.
Sign up in the email box on this below and we'll send it to you.